Hover over or tap the graphs to see the values for each metric at damper 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2, at a certain RPM. Click or tap the legend markers to hide or show different damper settings.

Below is a description of how the data for these charts was assembled. Reading this is not necessary.


Starting at damper 10, 2:00 of work was completed on the BikeErg with the athlete holding as close as possible to 30RPM. This was repeated for 40RPM, 50RPM and 60RPM.

This set of workouts was repeated at damper 8 and 6. It was also repeated for dampers 4 and 2, but using 40RPM, 50RPM, 60RPM and 70RPM, as 30RPM did not yield accurate paces.



Each damper-rpm workout combination (eg. damper 10 RPM 30, damper 10 RPM 40 etc) was pulled from the Concept2 logbook, along with per stroke (per-revolution) data. For each combination, any revolution not matching the target RPM was removed, leaving only revolutions that matched our target RPM. The average pace for each target RPM was calculated, giving a damper-rpm-pace tuple.

Power and calories per hour were calculated based on the formulas for power from Concept2 and indicated calories from the Physics of Ergometers (these derivations were previously discussed here):


The least-squares regression method was applied to each damper setting group of RPM-pace, RPM-power and RPM-calories per hour combination to yield functions for each, which are plotted in the charts at the top of this page.


The graphs presented above are based on results recorded on a single machine (n = 1). Your may see different results on your own BikeErg due to:

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